Student Success Act
Signed into law in May of 2019, the Student Success Act is a historic opportunity for Oregon schools to improve outcomes for ALL students.
To view the Student Investment Account Grant Agreement, click HERE
To view the Integrated Guidance Plan, click HERE
2023-24 Student Investment Account (SIA) Annual Report
The SIA annual report is submitted to ODE electronically via SmartSheet. The answers to questions posed in the report are shown below.
As you review your progress markers/overall reflection responses and reflect on plan implementation, how do you see your progress contributing to the Outcomes and Strategies in your plan and your Longitudinal Performance Growth Targets (LPGT)/Local Optional Metrics (LOM)? Discuss at least one Outcome where you have seen progress in implementation. |
NSSD has made significant progress in advancing the four outcomes connected to our Student Investment Account plan, particularly regarding implementing language arts and mathematics curricula. Using integrated guidance funds, we provided K-12 teachers with dedicated time in grade-level and department teams to design scope and sequence plans and develop common assessments. Additionally, our contracted Math Consultant has played a crucial role in enhancing our understanding of mathematics standards and best practices for student engagement and discourse, thereby strengthening our curriculum delivery.
To improve data-driven decision-making, we have coordinated efforts to extract and analyze student data from our new information system and the OrData Suite. This data enables our student support teams to make informed decisions during regular meetings and assess the progress of different student populations.
One area of success has been in family and community engagement. Initiatives such as the Juntos program, translation services, and literacy nights have strengthened the relationship between families and schools, particularly for Latino families. These efforts, along with the establishment of the Equity Advisory Committee and the implementation of the Student Six initiative, have empowered student voices and fostered an inclusive school culture.
These initiatives highlight our commitment to achieving our Longitudinal Performance Growth Targets (LPGT) through thoughtful curriculum updates, data-driven decision-making, and inclusive community involvement.
Where have you experienced barriers, challenges, or impediments to progress toward your Outcomes and Strategies in your plan that you could use support with? Discuss at least one Outcome where you have seen challenges or barriers to implementation. |
The lessons learned from our 2020-2023 SIA implementation are shaping our current Integrated Plan priorities and investments. A key insight was the importance of aligning our activities with partner feedback. Engagement from our integrated guidance team, building leaders, and collaborative steering committees kept us focused on our students' needs. We also recognized the value of continuously evaluating the effectiveness of our initiatives, confirming that our emphasis on social-emotional health, curriculum, and instruction aligns with partner priorities.
One of our most pressing priorities is to create and implement a comprehensive school behavioral and mental health system to support all students' social-emotional and behavioral learning needs. However, we have faced challenges in finding appropriate resources to achieve this goal. In particular, we have struggled to improve the coordination of services for focal group populations and provide multi-tiered support for both mental health and academic needs.
Additionally, we are working to enhance attendance interventions and expand alternative education placement opportunities for students requiring heightened academic and emotional support. We also aim to guarantee that students with disabilities and English language learners are enrolled in suitable courses, thereby increasing the number of students on track to graduate by the end of ninth grade. These areas require additional resources and coordination for full implementation.
Financial Report:
23-24 Grant Allocation
$2,015,076.02 |
23-24 Grant Expenditures |
$ 73,700.00 $ 998,481.00 $ 942,895.02 $2,015,076.02 |
Administrative Health and Safety Well-Rounded Education Total Expended |