District Facilities Use
The first step is to determine if the desired facility is available. In order to do so, interested users should contact the applicable school office and ask to speak to the office manager. Once it has been determined it is available, the Facility Usage Agreement must be submitted to the school (availability does not mean automatic approval). Applications for building use are now being accepted online via a 3rd party software system called FMX. Requestors must create a User Account. To be directed to the site, click below.
Stayton High School: 503-769-2171
Stayton Intermediate/Middle School: 503-769-2198
Stayton Elementary School: 503-769-2336
Sublimity School: 503-769-3383
Mari-Linn School: 503-859-2154
District Office (Santiam Meeting Room): 503-769-6924
Community Use of Facilities
The Board recognizes the following principles governing the use of school properties by students and community groups except this policy shall not apply to North Santiam School District clubs/groups which are directly related to the curriculum:
1. School buildings have been provided by the community primarily for the purpose of providing educational facilities for the students in the district;
2. Recreational activities are a part of the total education of students;
3. Education extends beyond the age of adolescence and into adulthood;
4. All citizens participate in paying the costs of school construction and operation;
5. Use of school buildings and property by citizens of the community increases the return to the public for its investment in school property;
6. School facilities should be made available under capable and responsible adult supervision for community activities.
Regulations on use of school property:
Subject to this policy, governing use including the regulations attached and by this reference incorporated herein, school facilities, including both buildings and grounds, will generally be made available for student and community use at times when that use does not conflict with school-sponsored activities and is outside the school day.
Fee schedule for school facilities.
The district shall assess fees according to the appropriate administrative regulations.
Insurance Requirements.
Liability insurance is required for anyone using school district property. You will need to know the Entity ID & Facility ID for the North Santiam School District, which are OB81 & 085 respectively, to start the process of purchasing insurance.