Talented & Gifted TAG
North Santiam School Districts (NSSD) strives to meet the needs of all learners by fostering all to reach their full potential. It is our belief that TAG students' needs require a flexible range of support options to support the unique needs of a TAG learner. In NSSD the classroom teacher is the primary instructor of TAG students. To meet the unique needs of TAG learners each building forms a wrap-around team to identify and select the service options to best meet the student's identified needs.
For more information about NSSD's TAG program and processes, click HERE.
For the Nomination Form, click HERE
The guidelines for identification and eligibility have been established by Oregon Administrative Rules (OARs) which outline the specific requirements for Oregon Talented and Gifted Education. Students can be identified in the following areas:
• Intellectually Gifted
• Academically Gifted: Math
• Academically Gifted: Reading
• Potential to Perform at the Gifted Level
A student is defined as Academically Talented in math or reading if he or she is able to score at or above the 97th percentile (higher than 97% of the test population) on a total test of academic skill in mathematics or reading. These tests are designed to measure a student's learning in comparison to other students of the same age.
A student is defined as Intellectually Gifted if she or he is able to score at or above the 97th percentile (higher than 97% of the test population) on a test of cognitive (mental) ability. This test is designed to measure how an individual can solve problems that use words, numbers, and shapes.
The district has a clear process for TAG identification. To inquire about TAG services, parents can review the resources on this page or contact their local school to meet with the TAG Coordinator, Dave Bolin (Assoc. Superintendent).
For more information access TAG Parent Rights
North Santiam School District TAG PROCESS
1. Nomination Form completed by parent or teacher
2. Permission Letter to screen for TAG
3. Testing/Evaluation
4. Meeting Notice sent out
5. Meeting Agenda
6. Eligibility Form discussed/filled out at the meeting/determination
7. Agreement to Services (if found eligible)
8. TAG Plan created
9. Parent Rights given at the meeting
10. Plan distributed/tracked to teachers
11. Update TAG Plan yearly
Helpful Parent Link:
Oregon Department of Education
Oregon defines Talented and Gifted learners:
“Talented and gifted children means those children who require special educational programs or services, or both, beyond those normally provided by the regular school program in order to realize their contribution to self and society… .” Oregon Revised Statute 343.395(4)