Registration and Enrollment Overview For Grades K-12
To enroll a Kindergarten student, please click on the Kindergarten tab while on the school's website or click the applicable link below.
Please note that proof of residence is required when enrolling in NSSD for the first time. Proof of age and documentation of at least one round of required vaccinations is also required for Kindergarten.
If you are new to the area, you may want to confirm your address is within the NSSD boundaries and, if so, which campus is considered your "resident school." You can click on the map below to view the NSSD boundaries map.
DISTRICT TRANSFER INFORMATION If you live inside the NSSD boundaries but wish your student to attend another school district or a different school within NSSD OR you live outside our boundaries but wish to attend NSSD, please contact the Superintendent's office at 503-769-4928 or at communications@nsantiam.k12.or.us
NSSD is currently not releasing students to enroll in virtual public charter schools (such as OR Connections Academy, Fossil, or Silvies River Charter School) as the District is over the 3% cap allowed by law.
NSSD has its own virtual learning platform called Options Academy for grades K-12! Click HERE for more details. |
Step-by-Step Directions for Parents & Guardians
Please visit the steps below. If any forms apply to your student(s), you can choose to print and hand deliver or save them to your device and upload them directly into the parent portal during the registration process. You can also send them via email to the applicable school offices. If you choose to email, please send them to the following addresses as applicable:
Stayton High School: shs.register@nsantiam.
Stayton Middle School: sms.register@nsantiam.
Stayton Intermediate School: sis.register@nsantiam.
Stayton Elementary School: ses.register@nsantiam.
Sublimity Elementary School: sub.register@nsantiam.
Sublimity Middle School: sub.register@nsantiam.
Mari-Linn: ml.register@
Options Academy: oa.register@nsantiam.
- Step 2: Supplemental Health Forms
- Step 3: Bus Registration
- Step 4: Meal Services
- Step 5: Complete Online Registration
- Stayton High School Only
- Middle School Athletics