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Fuel Ed Stride-Grades K-8

The content below has been copied from the Stride Learning Solutions (formerly Fuel Education) website to help families become familiar with the program. Registration will be facilitated through NSSD and should not be done via their website.

Learning Coach Resources

A Learning Coach is a parent or the caring adult supervising and assisting their child(ren) in their virtual learning environment. The Learning Coach (LC) works with a student on a daily basis providing support, motivation, and guidance throughout the school year.

Grades K-5 Overview (Video)

Online School Tour for Learning Coaches (Grades K-5)

The video below provides a tour of the Online School Platform used for Learning Coaches of students in grades Kindergarten to 5th grade!

Parent Resource Guide

Fuel Ed/K12/Stride Video Resources

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.