SchoolsPLP-Grades K-12
K-8 Parents! Here is a Login and password for the demo account. There are Math and ELA courses for K, 4th, & 7th grade. Each has a (BT) Bright Thinker and (LL) Lincoln Learning version for parents and students to explore.
Login: cdemo
Password: cdemo
9/12 Students: Course catalog:
Trusted, Accredited & Approved eLearning Solutions
The SchoolsPLP program enables students to work at their own pace and in the order that makes most sense for them. While all students are still responsible for learning the same standards, their intelligent software guides them through the course material and assesses performance constantly. An internet-connected device allows students to view recorded lessons, participate in live, online discussions, or use a webcam to make personal connections to instructors and other students. Offline assignments are completed by hand, uploaded, and submitted to an instructor for feedback.
SchoolsPLP's digital curriculum choices make it easy for elementary students to focus on the basics – letter/sound recognition, social and emotional development, communication, counting, recognizing and predicting patterns, simple graphing, physical education, rules and consequences, cursive handwriting, intro to typing and much more! Middle school students build on reading, writing, speaking, listening, and using and recognizing language in a variety of formats (poetry, prose, informational text, fictional genres). Students’ understanding of mathematical concepts will deepen, refining pre-algebraic skills in mathematical expressions, equations, and inequalities, and exploring geometry in two and three dimensional shapes. Middle school electives allow developing learners to explore new interests in their formative years.
Administrators and student athletes find confidence with SchoolsPLP curriculum approved by the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) in the following subject areas: English Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies and Social Science, Science, and World Languages. Their high school curriculum suite contains all subjects and is aligned to state standards, featuring direct instruction, discussion groups, engaging videos, review, assessment, independent practice, and everything students need to achieve mastery! Their comprehensive textbook replacement can facilitate an entire virtual school, but the same content is available as printed material. Self paced learning provides the chance to work on what a student needs, and spend less time on what they know. Real time reporting allows parents and educators to review student progress and identify opportunities for extra help!